a name around the world for top quality incubation system that has built its reputation on innovation, technology and service.

NEXTEK-CI is a company working with the most revolutionized incubation system from JAMESWAY.

NEXTEK-CI is specialized in the production and the selling of day old chicks:
layer,coquerel and broiler.

NEXTEK-CI is also producing pulp egg trays and table eggs.

NEXTEK-CI is established in Ivory Coast - West Africa.

we are collaborating with some of the most parents selling companies in the world: COBB and ISA.

NEXTEK-CI is a diversified occupation committed to the world wide hatchery industry. Many customers are now relying on us to deliver the best in the poultry business.
- Trusted name in poultry business
- Top quality incubation system
- Top quality chicks
- Top quality eggs
- Top quality service
We have implanted a sale service to help the farmers in the field.
NEXTEK-CI staff will go anywhere in the world to insure that all its customers are getting the most from the chicks.
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your poultry partner
There is a policy in our company that all customers receive quality chicks and service where ever they may be.
If you are looking for the best value in your farms, there is only one name to know: NEXTEK-CI
The future is delicate. We are all looking to be the best in the field. To help you in your quest, we at NEXTEK-CI have put all our knowledges and those of our collaborators at your disposal.
Take a decision. Discover your chicks, fruit of our labor, and be the best. Only your decision will allow your company to progress or not.

Very Good
Please feel free to add your comments on our website.  You can add also any question or comment related to poultry business. We will soon have a forum where all these questions will be asked. If you have any personal poultry material you would want to share with others and be seen on our website, please send it to us by mail. Our main here is to help farmers, technicians, veterinarians, hatchery managers, poultry persons meet each other and discuss their problems and propose their solutions.
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