your poultry partner
Cobb-Vantress, Incorporated, is a poultry research and development company engaged in the production, improvement, and sale of broiler breeding stock, committed to integrity, quality and progress through involvement with our team members, customers, suppliers and community.
Cobb's mission statement on bird well-being
Cobb-Vantress, Inc. is committed to the well-being, proper handling and humane slaughter of all the birds which we manage internally, or produce for sale to the poultry industry worldwide. This has been a long-standing commitment, and will continue to be a focal point for our future. We pledge our diligence in leading the industry not only in the pursuit of new and improved genetics and technology, but also to lead in enhancing animal well-being. This is not only the right thing to do, but it is an important obligation we owe to our customers, to ourselves and most of all to the chickens we depend on for our livelihood. All Cobb-Vantress team members, as well as our contract growers are expected to serve as stewards of the birds we work with every day, respecting and treating them in a proper humane manner, reflected through caring husbandry best practices.

Cobb broiler breeding stock has the sustained advantage of the most efficient feed conversion and highest potential for profitability for the company’s global customers. Cobb has developed this advantage and market reputation through a commitment to long term research and development, the prudent use of technology and combined this with substantial investment in superior customer technical service to bring realtime profits to customers worldwide.
As early as 1981, Cobb took a major step in the direction of optimizing customer’s profitability by commencing a comprehensive program which derived data on individual bird performance from a large number of birds the focus on each generation and the improvement in feed efficiency from a more reliable database developed an excellent platform for the company's future genetic program.
Efficient individual bird growth rate became the selection driver and feed conversion ratio became and still is the trait of greatest importance to the program and the company.
The full testing in the pedigree program at Cobb resulted in measureable improvement in the field where the reduction in feed conversion was recognized by customers and led to full commercialization of the Cobb 500 in the early 1990’s. The focus was on a bird that did the most with the feed it consumed.
Fine tuning of this focus created the important advantage of producing and maintaining a breed with the lowest cost per kilogram or pound of live weight produced. This is a sustainable advantage for customers and a hallmark for all Cobb products today.
The portfolio of Cobb products cater to different market segments and exhibit that important efficiency advantage for customers today:
The Cobb500™ - the world’s most efficient broiler.
The Cobb700™ - the new standard in high yield.
The CobbAvian48™ - the balance breed.
The CobbSasso150™ - the natural choice.
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